We started our season last month with two lovely concerts for Folkestone Concert Club and in Bury St Edmunds Cathedral. Both of these were in wonderful buildings, which always adds atmosphere to the performance. It would be interesting to be able to gauge how a beautiful venue adds to the enjoyment for both performer and listener. Of course there is always the question of acoustic as well. They both have a crucial part to play!
The Trio looks forward to more playing this autumn and winter. A new programme for us will be the Words and Music performance ‘Beethoven – the Man and his Music’. This will be presented at Guildford GLive, and will consist of some of Beethoven’s greatest piano trios, with words woven around the music, narrated by actors Christopher Ravenscroft and Ann Penfold.

Our CD of works by the English composer Rutland Boughton ( 1878-1960) was released in May and has been very favourably reviewed. It was such a pleasure to work at his compositions. The photo below is of us with our recording engineer, Oscar Torres. I thoroughly recommend Rutland Boughton’s piano trio and his violin and piano sonata to any group or player wishing to expand their repertoire, particularly of English music.

We hope you all continue to relish chamber music this autumn, whether as a performer, listener or promoter.